AngularJS-like Two-way Data Binding with Vanilla JS

May 19th, 2018

AngularJS was the first front-end framework that I learned. I built my first AngularJS project two years ago and have used this framework for multiple personal and professional projects since. One of the things that immediately blew my mind about AngularJS is how easy it is to bind JavaScript data to the DOM and vice-versa using directives. This feature is called two-way data binding. While I have enjoyed the benefits of Angular's two-way data binding in my projects, it always felt like magic to me. Recently, I decided to see what it would take to implement my own basic version of two-way data binding using vanilla JavaScript. With the help of Santiago García Da Rosa's Medium post, I was able to do just that. It turns out that it isn't very complicated and no magic or magicians required.

Two-Way Data Binding - Mind Blown

For this simple example, I will be binding two text input fields (firstname and lastname) to a javascript object named scope. Ultimately, we want the scope object to be updated every time a bound input field is changed. We also want th input field to be updated when a bound scope property is changed from the javascript code.


Lets create a simple form and give it some custom attributes:

  <label for="name">First Name:</label>
    placeholder="Start typing..."
  <h1 mm-bind="firstname"></h1>

  <label for="name">Last Name:</label>
    placeholder="Start typing..."
  <h1 mm-bind="lastname"></h1>

A couple things to note:

  • I am using the mm-model attribute on the input fields to mimic Angular's ng-model directive- which is used to bind the input value to the $scope object in the controller. In this example, I will be parse through the mm-model attributes and bind their values to the scope object in my js code.
  • I am using the mm-bind attribute on the <h1> tags to bind scope properties to them. This allows me to update the DOM in real-time when the state of the scope object is changed.


First, I will cache all of the DOM elements that contain my custom attributes and then initialize the scope variable to a an empty object. This variable will hold all of the bound property/value pairs and keep them in sync with the DOM.

// Cache DOM elements
const inputElements = document.querySelectorAll('[mm-model]');
const boundElements = document.querySelectorAll('[mm-bind]');
// Initialize scope variable to hold the state of the model.
let scope = {};


Next, I will create an init function. This function must be invoked as soon as the DOM is ready.

function init() {
    // Loop through input elements
    for (let el of inputElements) {
        if (el.type === 'text') {
            // Get property name from each input with an attribute of 'mm-model'
            let propName = el.getAttribute('mm-model');

            // Update bound scope property on input change
            el.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
                scope[propName] = el.value;

            // Set property update logic


A few notes about the init function:

  • This function loops through all input fields with the custom mm-model attribute, and attaches a keyup event listener to them.
  • The keyup the event listener callback assigns the input value to the the matching property of the scope object.

Finally, I am going to create the setPropUpdateLogic function which is invoked as the last step of the init function. This function contains the logic that handles all DOM updates when any given property of the scope object is changed. The key to achieving this is the use of JavaScript's Object.defineProperty() functionality, which allows us to use get and set functions to handle changes to the scope properties.

function setPropUpdateLogic(prop) {
    if(!scope.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        let value;
        Object.defineProperty(scope, prop, {
                // Automatically update bound dom elements when a scope property is set to a new value
            set: (newValue) => {
                value = newValue;

                // Set input elements to new value
                for (let el of inputElements) {
                    if(el.getAttribute('mm-model') === prop) {
                        if(el.type) {
                            el.value = newValue;
                // Set all other bound dom elements to new value
                for (let el of boundElements) {
                    if(el.getAttribute('mm-bind') === prop) {
                        if (!el.type) {
                            el.innerHTML = newValue;
            get: () => {
                return value;
            enumerable: true


Key notes about setPropUpdateLogic:

  • First, I receive the prop as a parameter and check for its existence in scope. Then, I define the logic that handles changes to the prop by passing an object with a set function to Object.defineProperty().
  • You can think of set inside Object.defineProperty object as a callback that gets invoked every time a given property's value is changed.


That's it! As you see, it's very straightforward to create simple two-way data binding found in AngularJS and other JavaScript frameworks. Of course, my implementation is as basic as it gets and covers the most basic of use cases, but it has certainly helped me understand what goes on under the hood when working with two-way data binding.

Here's a JSFiddle:

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